Saturday, October 31, 2009

Gram in Kimberley, Oct 2009

Jerry and I made a quick trip to Kimberley near the end of October. Mom is doing fine (for going on 93) but she couldn't see too well. So, .......we booked an appointment with the Optomitrist last Tuesday to check her eyes. Turns out her eyes are great - 20/25. The problem is that she's been wearing someone else's glasses for about a year! We are currently trying to track down the suspect!
The Detective

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

More Road Trip Pics

We met several horses on our trip, but cutest were five tiny horses that came galloping towards us when we were taking pictures of an old cabin. They were very friendly and we would have spent more time with them but they were surrounded by a swarm of mosquitos.
I got a laugh out of the "house for sale" which was at Burns Lake. I suspect that they may have to give it away!
The bull running down the highway was just south of Quesnel. I felt sorry for the poor guy chasing him, no-one offered to stop & help but that was one awfully big bull!
Shirley was thrilled that we found cows in flowers. It brought back a happy memory from the past & made for a pretty picture. The area around Williams lake is true ranch country and we stopped to watch some real cowboys sorting cattle in a corral. The cabin in the first picture is well preserved & dates back to the gold rush days in Northern BC.

I think this might be it for the road trip series. Hopefully Kate will share some pictures with us after her road trip.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Cariboo Country

These pictures were taken on my road trip with Shirley. I was testing out my new camera & got some pretty good shots I think. There were times when I could have used a better zoom lens - will put that on my "buy next" list.
They are not in chronological order, unfortunately. We travelled from Calgary to Edmonton, then west through Jasper National Park, then north-west to Prince George & further north-west to Terrace. That was as far north as we got. After that we drove down the Cariboo Connector which was the old Cariboo Trail that the pioneers took a couple of hundred years ago. Some were headed for the goldfields, others put in a land claim and settled. There is lots of native history in the area too. I was impressed with all the wild flowers everywhere. Also we were lucky enough to get a good view of a bear grazing on grass at the side of the road and a mother & baby moose walking across a field. The latter were too far away for me to get a shot without the afore-mentioned zoom lens.