Tuesday, November 28, 2006

more scenes from the GREAT WHITE NORTH

Geez - enough already! STILL snowing this morning - school cancelled. Seems to be clearing up a bit right now but more snow expected tonight & tomorrow. Better take this window of opportunity to go out & get groceries. Here's some pictures from around the yard & on the deck. Take note of the clothesline!

Poss updates

Poss is a little ticked off today - still too cold to go outside and he accidentally peed on his pillow so all he's got is a towel.

Poss's water bucket has frozen outside, so he's utilizing other options this morming.
Poss waits patiently for a second helping

Poss needs a GOOD neck stretch every now and then

Monday, November 27, 2006


It continued to snow all day yesterday and has started again today. The streets are in terrible shape, but no school today! The darkest pictures were taken at 7:30 this morning then I took a few more later on.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Mum's art

This is the one I did for Shirley. It's her old cat, Choo. I did it from a photo mostly, but had to improvise a bit on the eyes because they were really flat in the photo. My main intent was to do a painting that really did look like the cat.

I painted this too. I painted it over that oil painting that you abandoned Mike. The photograph distorts it a bit but I think it looks pretty expensive.

This picture is for you to look at Mike (Katie's already seen this plenty of times). I haven't done any painting for awhile because I've been working on a doll, but here is the last one I did. I think maybe I need more detail in the foreground - what do you think?

more knots

tie the knot


Some hilarious photos from halloween. Who's cuter in the french fries, me or nick?
click on the ones that come up black/grey - viewable in larger size