Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Thursday, July 26, 2007

mama's got a brand new coat

This is my new kitchen furniture. Not really. It's the old furniture refinished. I think it looks pretty good - a darn sight better than it did anyway.

I have no excuse for this picture.

Monday, July 23, 2007

passage of time

Flashback - circa 1973 (the big hair days)
I was 18, Jake 25. We were on our way to the Nurses' Ball, the big event that everyone looked forward to and an opportunity to get dressed up. That's my friend Anne & her boyfriend Paul. Coincidentally, I ran into him on my last trip to NZ - not a hair on his head.

Fast-forward to ? This was actually taken a few years ago when we dressed up for a halloween party. Yikes, the blouse I'm wearing today looks an awful lot like that dress - but at least Jake doesn't have his shirt sticking out of his fly!

Monday, July 16, 2007

ahhh but what a life it was...

lets remember how pawesome he really was!

and jolly..?

1990 - 2007

Rest In Peace Possum

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Thursday, July 12, 2007

poss' s very tiring day

he thought he was settled for the day on the big bed...

then he suspected that he was going to get turfed off...

then he tried the mat at the top of the stairs...

but he had a terrible case of night stallions..

so he went outside to his favourite spot under the back stairs..

but even then he couldn't truly relax because the day before he'd had to chase out a stray cat & the day before that it was racoons, and the day before that it was a big bloody deer...

Geez, a guy just can't get any rest around here at all...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

painting # 14 (I think)

This is my latest - just finished today. It's based on a picture that I took down at Gibsons dock. I think I might have posted the photo earlier. I'm pretty happy with this one - but not sure if its very expensive...

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Don't know why it's not allowing me to type in the "Title: box..
Here's today's Crop of the Day

I picked a pail full - picked 'em twice actually, because the bucket fell off the ladder - nearly took me with it!
Mum (Jake's visiting Gramma this week)

Friday, July 06, 2007

I don't know what you're going to think of this one Mike. I based it on a picture I found on Flickr (got permission from the photographer). I really liked all the objects & thought they would be fun to paint - and it was fun - so much so that I didn't really want it to end. I have a niggling feeling though, that a good photograph doesn't always make for a good painting, and maybe I should have chosen certain parts to paint rather than the whole scene - ? I didn't paint the photo exactly. I left some things out and then added a couple of items of my own (you might recognize the pig & the tomato from Gramma's house).
As always, I would appreciate an honest critique. I haven't shown this one to Greta yet and Katie thought it was a bit creepy.
It's my biggest one so far - 24 x 30inches.

m m m!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

fruits of his labour

Jake has declared this a perfect strawberry.
please note; object is smaller than it appears

work force

Monday, July 02, 2007

happy b'day canada

Canadian eh?

a few tidbits from kate

i've sifted through some photos and this is all i've come up with so far...

Here's a terrible one for mike to look at:

Here's one of my roomate Krystle and I (notice I am making the same terrible face):

And here's one of the whole gang (Krystle, Dan, me and friend Liam):

that's all for now!