Friday, January 05, 2007

XMAS 06 in barcelona


The Swaneys said...

Woohoo! More pictures from Mike! Ok, so of course I have to ask some questions about some of them -
what is the signficance of the dead cars - are they part of an instillation - or just a picture that you liked?
I also want to know about the ducks on the table - what are they made from & are they a traditional treat?
Emma's little niece is a cutie & it looks to me like she's formed a special attachment with you Mike. Is the star stuck on your forehead a result of her handiwork?
Oh, and what does the green sign in the window say?
That'll do with the questions for now - so nice to see some more pictures though! love Mum.

The Swaneys said...

and where's caga tio?