Tuesday, January 06, 2009

To Calgary & Back - Christmas 2008

Edit: As bad as the driving was, I'm glad we returned when we did..... ALL the mountain passes are closed right now due to avalanches! (Jan. 8th)

I tried to get these pretty much in chronological order (top to bottom).

December 23rd - the day we were supposed to fly out!
This is the reason why we didn't!

Icicles at Horseshoe Bay (from the ferry).

The road trip has begun. January 24th, Rogers Pass.

One of a series of 7 snow tunnels.

Frozen water coming out of the rock face. I tried to capture the lovely glacial blue colour - difficult from a moving vehicle!

Blowing snow over the highway made vision tricky.

Christmas in Calgary - Kate's tree!

Breakfast at Dairylane....yummmmmmmm!

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