Friday, July 06, 2007

I don't know what you're going to think of this one Mike. I based it on a picture I found on Flickr (got permission from the photographer). I really liked all the objects & thought they would be fun to paint - and it was fun - so much so that I didn't really want it to end. I have a niggling feeling though, that a good photograph doesn't always make for a good painting, and maybe I should have chosen certain parts to paint rather than the whole scene - ? I didn't paint the photo exactly. I left some things out and then added a couple of items of my own (you might recognize the pig & the tomato from Gramma's house).
As always, I would appreciate an honest critique. I haven't shown this one to Greta yet and Katie thought it was a bit creepy.
It's my biggest one so far - 24 x 30inches.

1 comment:

The Swaneys said...

well, i find it funny you used a foto with permission from flickr first of all. i think it made for a good painting...i think it's pretty easy to say it's creept when there's legs and clowns in a painting, but you know that kind of stuff doesn't affect me. though i bask in glory knowing that people might think your painting is creepy after all the times you've said those exact words to me.
there's some parts that are really well painted (the manequin legs). for me the only thing i would add is some darker black hits in the more important areas like in the clowns creases and in the background behind his head. i'm not sure if it's the foto but right now the darkest and most obvious contrasting point is the piece of 2/4 leaning up on the right.