Monday, July 23, 2007

passage of time

Flashback - circa 1973 (the big hair days)
I was 18, Jake 25. We were on our way to the Nurses' Ball, the big event that everyone looked forward to and an opportunity to get dressed up. That's my friend Anne & her boyfriend Paul. Coincidentally, I ran into him on my last trip to NZ - not a hair on his head.

Fast-forward to ? This was actually taken a few years ago when we dressed up for a halloween party. Yikes, the blouse I'm wearing today looks an awful lot like that dress - but at least Jake doesn't have his shirt sticking out of his fly!


The Swaneys said...

what a coif!!!

...and the blonde's not so bad either... hee hee

The Swaneys said...

that's a good photo that old one.
what a stunning couple of couples.